Researchers in Britain say people who work more than 10 hours each day are more likely to get heart problems including heart attack compared to people who normally work for 7-8 hours.
These findings were based on studies for 11 years with the involvement of civil servants in Britain 6000. Additional hours of work for 1 hour a day outside normal working hours is not associated with increased risk, but if overtime for 3-4 hours will increase the risk by 60 percent. Until now experts estimate it is probably due to stress.
Overall this research found 369 cases of death from heart disease, non-fatal heart attacks and angina (chest pain).
"Genesis will be higher if a person works overtime, and coupled with other risk factors including smoking, overweight and eating foods high in cholesterol," says Dr Marianna Virtanen from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and University College London, as quoted by Reuters on Wednesday ( 05/12/2010).
Dr Virtanen added to work up to 10-11 hours a day will raise the level of stress a person who berhubngan with the job. This of course will interfere with the body's metabolic processes as well as 'sickness presenteeism', the employees keep working when you're sick.
In addition, the lifestyle of people who too often work overtime or to exceed the time normally will deteriorate over time, such patterns become irregular eating, smoking and drinking excess alcohol and sleep patterns are disrupted. This will certainly affect the overall health of the person, especially if it lasts continuously.
"If this effect is causal (cause and effect), it is important to realize that the stress of the ongoing work can contribute to most cases of heart disease," said Gordon McInnes, professor of clinical pharmacology at the University of Glasgow Western Infirmary.
Results of research Dr Virtanen and colleagues have been published in European Heart Journal.
(Ver / ir)Source: detik.com, May 2010Authors: Vera Farah Bararah
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