Some Tips Caring for eye After Cataract Surgery

Some Tips Caring for eye After Cataract Surgery:

- Your eyes should not be exposed to water
- Do not lift heavy loads
- Do not often stoop
- Cough should not be too hard
- Your eyes should not be touched
- When you sleep, use a plastic shield
- Use eye drops, according to the rules of doctor
- Did control routine to the doctor

- If the eye-related problems, it should immediately go to the doctor. I hope your eyes are affected by cataracts would be better :)


Ditulis Oleh : wm Hari: 6:14 AM Kategori:

1 Comment:

  1. Get plenty of excercise. If you have not been excercising over the last year, this is the time to. The eyesight is the most precious gift to a human. Excercising is the least that we can do to maintain health.

    Eye Health Care



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